Един продукт за инженерни и математически пресмятания.

What’s New in PTC Mathcad Prime 8?



PTC Mathcad Prime is the industry standard for engineering mathematics software, enabling you to solve your most complex problems, and share your engineering calculations. And with PTC Mathcad Prime 8, engineering calculations just got better. This release introduces key application, symbolic engine, numeric engine, and usability enhancements.

Application Updates



There are several updates to application-level functionality, which include important features requested by users.

  • You can now set warnings for when either user- or system- defined identifiers such as variables, constants, and functions are redefined in your worksheet. This allows you to avoid unknowingly changing the definition of critical parameters.
  • We have added a partial derivative operator in the Operators menu for you to use to define calculations that include partial derivatives.
  • You can independently turn on header, footer, or page view border with the new show frame functionality.
  • And to enhance the usability of the combo-box input control added in the last release, in Prime 8 you can copy multiple values and paste them into the combo-box edit mode, making combo-box input control creation easier.

Symbolic and Numeric Engines Enhancements


Mathcad Prime Symbolic Engine comparison legacy vs new

There are many customer-driven enhancements to the symbolics engine in Mathcad Prime 8, as well as new functionality not seen in previous versions of Mathcad. On top of general keyword improvements, there has been significant improvement and expansion in use and performance for integral functions, such as Fourier, Laplace, and Ztrans and their inverses. Two new modifiers have been added to allow manipulation of the normalization and oscillatory factors for use with the Fourier keyword. Calculus operators such as Limits, Integrals, and Derivatives have been improved and cover expanded use cases. And there is now better auto-labelling of undefined variables in symbolic results.

Usability Updates


Mathcad Prime 7 combo box variable drop downs car weight
  • You can now see on a worksheet tab when a worksheet is unsaved and can close a worksheet directly from its tab.
  • You can move worksheets to rearrange their order.
  • Each tab now includes an right mouse button menu that provides access to useful actions, including calculate, move tab, copy full file path name, open containing folder, and close this or other tabs.
  • And there are several smaller usability updates, like the new clear text format command and ctrl/wheel zoom.

Save as HTML legacy worksheet view



And finally, a new Save as HTML option has been added to the legacy worksheet converter. This allows you to create a view of your legacy PTC Mathcad worksheet before you convert it to PTC Mathcad Prime format and refer to it to help rework your converted worksheet where necessary.

Are you new to Mathcad Prime 8?


Mathcad Prime connecting rod calculations engineering notebook

When you download PTC Mathcad Express and choose the 30-day full functionality option, you’ll get access to the full version of PTC Mathcad Prime 8 for 30 days.

Софтуерът за технически изследвания на PTC, Mathcad®, е много популярен сред организациите, които се занимават с разработване на нови продукти, независимо от техния размер, както и от промишлените компании, тъй като съчетава надеждни, силни функции с уникален, лесен за използване графичен интерфейс. Освен това, той използва предимството на стандартните математически символни обозначения. Конструкторите използват Mathcad като електронна дъска, която позволява изписването на формули и текст на екрана. Mathcad проверява за грешки в изчислението, извършва преобразувания на мерни единици, и при поискване, да представя сложни изчисления, които включват всичко от най-трудни цифрови до символни изрази, векторна и метрична обработка и решаване на диференциални уравнения. 

Mathcad предлага много други възможности, които са много полезни за конструкторите и инженерите, вклчютело директна връзка с Creo  за обвързване на изчисленията с конкретен 3D модел, както и интерфейси към няколко други CAD системи. Може да показва в различни математически формати, предлага разнообразие от вградени оператори, изпълнява IEEE присъщи изчисления и използва богата гама графични и функции за визуализация. Поддържа също богат набор от специализирани библиотеки за механични, електрически и строителни приложения, и предлага разширения за анализ на данни, обработка на сигнали и други аспекти.


Mathcad Prime 6.0 – състои се от пълна комерсиална версия и олекотена безплатна версия, известна като Mathcad Express.

Mathcad Express – олекотена безплатна версия. Свали от тук:

PTC Mathcad Express ;

Каква е разликата между Mathcad Prime & Mathcad Express (free version):

Mathcad Prime 6.0 се предлага като:

  1. Вечен заключен или плаващ лиценз;
  2. Едногодишен заключен или плаващ лиценз;

Свали брошура от тук на български за Mathcad, а от тук за Prime 6.0.

Free Worksheets


Get up to speed quickly and easily with our extensive library of ready-to-use worksheets across many engineering disciplines. All worksheets posted to the Community are free to download. Worksheet topics include:


Worksheet Collections Available for Purchase


Whether you're just getting started with Mathcad, or you are an expert, these worksheet collections give you the head start you need to get your job done faster!

Create, Manage, and Communicate Your Design Intent With One Tool


Why use several types of software when PTC Mathcad has what you need?

Open up a worksheet and perform your engineering calculations using the math notation you’re used to. Add images, write some text, and put in graphs or plots. Your PTC Mathcad worksheet is more than just engineering calculation software or a professionally-formatted document: it’s the place where your design intent lives. Curious? The short videos below range from a brief overview to demos of specific software capabilities.

Content Protection
Control the degree of access and the visibility you want others to have with Area Protection and Locking.
Solving Systems of Equations
Quickly solve systems of linear, non-linear, and differential equations.
Engineering Notebook Powered by PTC Mathcad
Ensure the design intent of your CAD model is documented, protected and accessible for future efforts.
Trig Equation Solver
PTC Mathcad provides engineers with a powerful solution for calculating and visualizing trigonometry.
Advanced Engineering Math
PTC Mathcad includes powerful capabilities such as specialized and pre-built functions for engineers to solve advanced engineering math.
Engineering Unit Converter
Keep unit consistency throughout all engineering calculations.
Advanced Numerics and Custom Functions
New functions that are up to 100 times faster provide extended capability and return the result in easier to work with format.
Comprehensive Documentation
PTC Mathcad allows you to present calculations and designs by integrating live math, text, plots and images in one comprehensive document.
Write and integrate your own functions, customizing your environment to meet your specific requirements.
3D Plots
Many complex models require 3D views to better understand these models and data. Create 3D polar, contour and surface plots.
Create templates that include all your content and simply use that as the basis for your new worksheets.
PTC Mathcad for the CAD Engineer
PTC Mathcad allows CAD engineers to communicate engineering knowledge and design intent across the design lifecycle.
X–Y Plots
Visualize data and functions using X-Y plots.
Excel Component
Leverage data in existing spreadsheets easily.